Our Mission
Our mission and activities will increase public knowledge and civic participation so that Arizona citizens can effectively engage on political, social, cultural and economic issues affecting our state.
Our Projects
Coalition Building
The Arizona Liberty Network is building the largest coalition of experts and advocates in Arizona. We work strategically and collaboratively with each other by identifying each other’s comparative advantages while providing leadership to Arizonans showing them how to stay informed, build relationships, and engage on civic issues important to their communities and their families.
Hispanic Outreach
The Hispanic Liberty Alliance exists to protect the values and culture that has made Arizona a great place to live — Pro-Family, Pro-Business and Pro-Freedom. Whether born here or immigrants, Hispanics have an important role in enriching this country. We strive for the American dream and take pride in the invaluable contributions we make to the nation that has welcomed many of us. We want to preserve our precious heritage and unite our communities.
Leadership Training
The AZ Liberty Network is committed to providing civic education classes to all Arizonans enhancing their knowledge of our laws, specific issues Arizonans are facing, and general grassroots knowledge relating to civic activism.
Classes listed below but not limited to:
- Understanding the U.S. Constitution
- Overview and History of the Arizona Constitution
- How a Bill Becomes a Law
- How to Use the Request to Speak System at the AZ Legislature
- Citizen Lobbyist Leadership Training
Legal Center
The Grand Canyon Legal Center is a critical component of our conservative movement in Arizona. We recognize the importance of strategic litigation to protect and defend our values in the legal system. Radical organizations have perfected a legal warfare strategy to impose extreme policies through the courts, and we must respond with a powerful and effective defense.
The Grand Canyon Legal Center will champion constitutional values in the courts, ensuring that our hard-fought victories are not overturned by lawfare tactics. Our mission is to build a bench of Arizona’s top legal teams and provide them with the necessary resources to protect our freedoms and preserve the rule of law.
Faith Alliance
The AZ Faith Alliance exists to promote the biblical foundations that undergird our Republic and to teach those who serve in elected positions as well as the citizens who vote for them the basic principles of a constitutional, limited government. Sound policy emerges from sound principles found ultimately in God's all-sufficient Word.

AZ Liberty Network is a recognized 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service. EIN: 92-1954611. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 | Privacy Policy